Why Centipedes Are Attracted To Your Home

What Causes House Centipedes To Come Into Your Home?

What Causes House Centipedes To Come Inside Your Home?

The cause of house centipedes entering your home is the presence of other pests they feed on and the availability of dark, damp environments in our homes. These multi-legged creatures can be quite the sight, especially when they dart across your floor at lightning speed. In this article, we'll dive into what brings these critters into our homes, how to get rid of house centipedes effectively, and answer some frequently asked questions about these creepy crawlers.

Habitat Preferences of House Centipedes

House centipedes love dark, damp environments. Basements, bathrooms, and closets are prime real estate for them. They thrive in moisture-rich areas, which is why you'll often find them in places with high humidity. Understanding their habitat preferences is key to controlling their presence in your home.

What Draws House Centipedes Inside?

What Attracts House Centipedes?

Food Source

House centipedes are predatory pests, meaning they come into our homes looking for food. They feed on other pests such as cockroaches, spiders, and silverfish. If you have a house centipede infestation, it's a sign that there are other pests in your home. Essentially, house centipedes are nature’s pest control services, but having them around can be unsettling.


As mentioned, house centipedes thrive in dark, damp environments. Excess moisture in your home, from leaks or high humidity, provides an ideal habitat for them. Reducing moisture is a critical step in preventing and controlling house centipedes.

Are House Centipedes a Threat to Humans?

Are House Centipedes Harmful?

While house centipedes don’t pose a significant threat to humans, their presence can still be quite alarming. They have long bodies and can have up to 15 pairs of legs, making them one of the fastest-moving pests you'll encounter. Despite their creepy appearance, house centipedes don’t pose any real harm to people. Their bites are rare and usually not serious.

How to Get Rid of House Centipedes

How To Get Rid of House Centipedes

Reduce Moisture

Our first recommendation is to reduce the moisture in your home. Since house centipedes thrive in damp environments, using dehumidifiers and fixing any leaks can make your home less inviting to them.

Eliminate Other Pests

Keeping your home clean and free of other pests is crucial. Remember, house centipedes are in your home because they’re hunting for food. By eliminating other pests, you remove their food source, making your home less attractive to them.

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your home can also help. Vacuum regularly, especially in dark corners, under furniture, and in damp areas where centipedes are likely to hide.

Seal Entry Points

Sealing cracks and gaps in your home’s foundation, walls, and windows can prevent centipedes and other pests from entering your home. This is an effective way to reduce the likelihood of infestations.

Alta Pest Control Services

At Alta Pest Control, we offer comprehensive pest control services that target both house centipedes and the pests they feed on. Our expert team can identify and treat the root cause of your infestation, ensuring your home is free from these multi-legged invaders.


House centipedes are attracted to our homes by moisture and the presence of other pests. While they don’t pose a significant threat to humans, their presence can indicate underlying pest issues. By addressing these issues, we can help you create a home environment that is unappealing to house centipedes. If you’re dealing with a house centipede infestation, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional pest control services. Together, we can make your home a centipede-free zone!

At Alta Pest Control, we are committed to helping you maintain a pest-free home. Our comprehensive pest control services are designed to target the root causes of infestations, ensuring your peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get rid of house centipedes and other pests for good.

House Centipede FAQs

Do house centipedes bite?

Yes, house centipedes can bite, but it is rare. Their bites are generally not harmful to humans and are similar to a bee sting.

Are house centipedes dangerous?

House centipedes don’t pose a significant threat to humans. They are more of a nuisance than a danger. Their bites are rare and usually not serious.

Why do house centipedes come into my home?

House centipedes come into your home primarily in search of food and moisture. They prey on other pests and thrive in dark, damp environments.

How can I prevent house centipedes from entering my home?

To prevent house centipedes, reduce moisture in your home by fixing leaks and using dehumidifiers, seal cracks and gaps, and keep your home clean and free of other pests.

What should I do if I find a house centipede in my home?

If you find a house centipede in your home, try to capture it and release it outside. However, if you have a recurring problem, it’s best to contact us for professional pest control services.

How do I know if I have a house centipede infestation?

Signs of a house centipede infestation include seeing the centipedes frequently, especially in dark and damp areas of your home. You might also notice other pest activity, which attracts house centipedes.

Can house centipedes harm my pets?

House centipedes are generally not harmful to pets. However, their bites can cause mild irritation. If your pet is bitten, monitor the bite area and consult a veterinarian if necessary.

What attracts house centipedes to my home?

House centipedes are attracted to moisture and other pests. Reducing humidity and keeping your home free of pests can help deter them.

Do house centipedes live outside?

Yes, house centipedes can live outside, but they often enter homes in search of food and shelter, especially in colder or wetter seasons.

How can I make my home less attractive to house centipedes?

Make your home less attractive to house centipedes by reducing moisture, sealing entry points, eliminating other pests, and keeping your home clean.