What Are Spider Mites?

What are spider mites

Spider Mites

Spider mites belong to the arachnid family, making them close relatives to spiders and ticks. Although they are incredibly small—barely visible to the naked eye—they can significantly harm plants, both indoors and outdoors. Spider mites often appear as tiny red, yellow, or green dots on the underside of leaves. They feed by piercing plant cells and sucking out the nutrients, leading to yellow or brown spots on the leaves. Over time, this damage can cause the leaves to dry up and fall off.

A clear sign of a spider mite problem is the delicate webbing they leave behind on plants. If you notice fine webbing around your plants, it’s likely spider mites have moved in.

Why Do Spider Mites Infest Your Plants?

What attracts spider mites

Spider mites thrive in warm, dry conditions, making them most active during the hotter months. They can spread through wind, infested plants, garden tools, or even on people’s clothing. Once they settle on a plant, their population can grow rapidly. If the environment is favorable, they can quickly overwhelm your plants.

Spider mites tend to target weakened or stressed plants, so keeping your plants healthy can reduce their chances of settling in. Poor watering habits, such as overwatering or under watering, can make plants more attractive to these pests.

Damage Caused by Spider Mites

Spider mites feed on the sap of plants, leading to several issues for your garden or indoor plants:

  • Leaf discoloration: Spider mites create yellow, brown, or white spots on leaves, often referred to as stippling.
  • Premature leaf drop: If the infestation is severe, plants may shed their leaves early.
  • Stunted growth: Infested plants may struggle to grow, resulting in slower development and a weakened overall appearance.
  • Webbing: Spider mites produce fine webbing on the leaves and stems, which can make plants look unhealthy and unappealing.

If left untreated, spider mites can cause permanent damage to plants and potentially kill them. Contact us today to get rid of your spider mite problem.

The Spider Mite Life Cycle

Understanding the life cycle of spider mites can help in effectively controlling their population. These pests have a rapid reproduction cycle, allowing them to multiply quickly, especially in warm and dry conditions.

  1. Egg Stage: Female spider mites lay eggs on the underside of leaves, often within the webbing they produce. Each female can lay several hundred eggs during her lifespan. The eggs are tiny, spherical, and translucent, making them difficult to spot without close inspection. Depending on the temperature, eggs can hatch within a few days.
  2. Larva Stage: Once the eggs hatch, spider mites enter the larval stage. The larvae have six legs at this stage and begin feeding on plant sap immediately. Larvae are small and clear or pale in color, and they continue feeding for a short period before molting into the next stage.
  3. Nymph Stage: After the larval stage, spider mites molt into protonymphs, followed by deutonymphs. During these stages, they develop eight legs and continue to feed aggressively on plant cells. They molt once more before becoming adults. Each nymphal stage only lasts a few days, and the mites remain highly active, feeding throughout.
  4. Adult Stage: Adult spider mites are fully developed and ready to reproduce. They have eight legs and may be red, yellow, or green depending on the species and environment. Adults continue feeding on plants, and females can start laying eggs almost immediately, continuing the life cycle.

Under ideal conditions, the entire life cycle from egg to adult can be completed in as little as one week. This rapid reproduction makes spider mites a challenging pest to control if not addressed early. Regular monitoring and treatment are key to breaking the cycle and preventing a full-blown infestation.

At Alta Pest Control, our treatments target spider mites at every stage of their life cycle, ensuring a more comprehensive approach to eliminating them from your garden or indoor plants.

How We Get Rid of Spider Mites

At Alta Pest Control, we understand how important it is to protect your plants from spider mites. Our spider mite control services are effective at eliminating these pests and preventing future infestations. Here’s how we approach spider mite control:

  • Inspection: Our team thoroughly inspects your plants and outdoor areas to identify the extent of the infestation.
  • Targeted treatments: We use eco-friendly, pet- and child-friendly products to address spider mites at the source. Our treatments are effective at getting rid of these pests while ensuring your plants and the environment remain healthy.
  • Ongoing care: We don’t stop at treatment. We offer ongoing monitoring and preventative services to keep spider mites from coming back.

Our approach is both friendly and effective, ensuring your plants remain healthy and free from spider mites.

Preventing Spider Mite Infestations

Preventing spider mites from infesting your garden is easier than dealing with an active problem. Here are some tips to help keep spider mites away from your plants:

  • Maintain plant health: Regularly water and care for your plants to prevent stress, making them less attractive to spider mites.
  • Inspect plants often: Check the underside of leaves for early signs of spider mites, such as yellowing or small specks.
  • Increase humidity: Spider mites thrive in dry conditions, so raising the humidity around your plants can create an unfavorable environment for them.
  • Prune affected areas: If you notice webbing or damaged leaves, prune the affected areas to prevent the infestation from spreading further.

With the help of Alta Pest Control, you can keep your garden healthy and spider mite-free year-round.

Contact Alta Pest Control for Spider Mite Solutions

If you think you may have a spider mite problem, don’t wait. Get in touch with Alta Pest Control, and we’ll provide the treatments needed to restore your plants to full health. Our team is dedicated to keeping your home and garden pest-free, no matter the season.

What attracts spider mites?

How do you tell if you have spider mites?

What kills spider mites immediately?

Spider Mite FAQs

What attracts spider mites?

Spider mites are attracted to hot, dry conditions and plants that are stressed or weakened due to improper watering, making these plants more vulnerable to infestations.

How do you tell if you have spider mites?

Look for small yellow or brown spots on leaves, fine webbing on plants, and signs of stunted growth. You may also see tiny red, yellow, or green mites on the undersides of leaves.

What kills spider mites immediately?

We use eco-friendly treatments to eliminate spider mites quickly and effectively.

Can a plant recover from spider mites?

Yes, with proper care and treatment, plants can recover from spider mite infestations, especially if the infestation is caught early. Regular watering and nutrient support can help plants bounce back.

Can humans get spider mites?

Spider mites do not bite humans or cause harm to people. They primarily feed on plants, so while they can be a nuisance in gardens, they are not a direct threat to humans.

How Alta Pest Control Protects Your Home From Pests

All of our treatment plans are customized to your home and yard. We do this to ensure that you get the exact coverage you need to keep your home safe. All of our technicians and inspectors are experts in their field, so you can be sure that you are getting top-tier protection.

Get A Free Estimate

One of our expert technicians will inspect every inch of your home and business for pest activity. Then they will create a custom plan based on their findings.

Initial Service

Once your custom plan is created, we will treat your home and yard to give you immediate relief from pests. Then, we will create a boundary around your property to prevent more pests from entering.

Follow Ups

After the initial service, we will conduct regular maintenance to ensure that your pest problems remain solved. We will also conduct free inspections for problem pests, such as termites.

Alta Guarantee

When it comes to pest control, we put our money where our mouth is. If we treat your home, and you're still seeing pests, we'll come back and retreat for free. We'll always have your back.