
Stay Up To Date With Our Pest Control Articles

We know that every home and business has their own unique set of pest problems. If you're looking for some help with controlling or preventing these pests, our blog is the place to start! We constantly update articles on various topics related to entomology (the study insects) so be sure check back often - there's lots more content coming your way soon enough!

Image of fleas

The Trick To Effective Flea & Tick Control For Properties

Neither ticks nor fleas are a great sign for your property – here’s what you need to know about the problems they cause, what you can do to deter them on your property, and the most effective way to get rid of them if they are already there.

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How To Get Rid Of Slugs & Snails On Your Property

As far as outdoor pests go, slugs and snails may not seem like an immediate problem for homeowners, but they can spell more trouble than you think. Here’s what you need to know about the destruction caused by slugs and snails, how to effectively get rid of them, and how to prevent them from coming back.

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The Dangers Roaches Bring To Homes

Cockroaches may not seem like they have a huge presence in Washington state, but rest assured, these pests do live in the Pacific Northwest – and they won’t hesitate to make your home into theirs.

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The Best Way To Keep Mosquitoes Out Of Your Yard

If there’s one thing that can ruin a sunny day by the pool or a summer BBQ, it’s mosquitoes – and residents know all too well how much of a nuisance these pests can be. However, mosquitoes do more than just leave behind a few itchy bug bites – they can also transmit dangerous diseases like Zika virus, West Nile virus, malaria, yellow fever, and dengue fever.As much of a health hazard as they are, mosquitoes are one pest that you don’t want hanging around your property – here are some of the best ways to keep mosquitoes off your property this summer.

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Are Orb-Weaver Spiders In Wichita Dangerous?

You’ve probably heard of the black widow and the brown recluse, but what about orb-weaver spiders? These arachnids are a common sight, but how dangerous are they?Orb-weavers are about an inch in length with bulging abdomens and bold markings – they’re most commonly associated with their large, spiral-shaped webs, which can reach up to three feet in diameter. There are several different types of orb-weavers.

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How To Keep Yellow Jackets Away From Your Yard

If there’s one pest that you don’t want to have a stand-off with, it’s the yellow jacket. Yellowjackets are a type of wasp named after their black and yellow bodies. What makes yellow jackets particularly dangerous are their small barbs and lance-like stingers – unlike honeybees, yellow jackets can sting you as many times as they like without losing their stingers.

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Four Signs Your Wichita Home Might Have A Cockroach Problem

Does the thought of cockroaches make your skin crawl? We don’t blame you. Cockroaches are associated with dirt and germs, and the mere thought of them inside your Wichita, Kansas home can trigger fight or flight instincts. These fears are not unwarranted. Cockroaches come with an assortment of health hazards. Cockroach infestations can multiply quickly, which is why the best way to combat an infestation is to know the signs and catch it early.

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How Do I Get Weevils Out Of My Tukwila Home?

The bizarre-looking weevil is technically a beetle and has the carapace to prove it. However, its thorax and head get progressively smaller the farther from its tail end you get. Combine this with a protruding snout and voilà! You have quite the unique pest on your hands. Just be warned: this stubborn little herbivore, a native to fields and grasslands, may still be your worst nightmare.

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close up of a carpet beetle damaging carpet

The Problems Carpet Beetles Bring To Your Home

When we think of pests invading our home, carpet beetles are not at the top of the list. However, these occasional invaders are something that all homeowners should do their best to prevent. Though they don't threaten the health of humans, they can destroy our belongings leaving us wondering what we should do to avoid a problem in the first place.

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Why Carpenter Ants Invade Tukwila Homes

When we say ant, when comes to mind? A horde of tiny insects invading your picnic? Little mounds of sand emerging from sidewalks? All ants have segmented bodies with six legs and bent antennae. Though all ants look somewhat similar, not all ants are alike. Today, we're going to discuss the carpenter ant - a destructive ant species that gnaw through the wood to create nests.

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What Wichita Homeowners Need To Know About Argentine Ants

Argentine ants are a species that is believed to have originated in South America and is now found in many countries. These pests are typically a dark brown or black color, have six legs, and may reach up to ¼ of an inch in length. The majority of these ants are wingless, but the reproductive males and females often do have wings.

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Six Simple Yet Effective Rodent Prevention Tips For Wichita Homeowners

It is estimated that over 1,500 different species of rodents exist worldwide, one of the largest varieties among mammals. Some examples of rodents include beavers, squirrels, chipmunks, and porcupines. Many rodents will venture through neighborhoods foraging for food and potentially entering homes to create problems, with two of the most common intruders being mice and rats.

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