What Attracts Roaches to Your Home?

What attracts roaches

At Alta Pest Control, we know roaches are some of the least welcome visitors in any home. Not only are they unsettling, but they can also carry health risks. If you're wondering what attracts roaches and how to keep them out, we’re here to help you understand and take action.

What Draws Cockroaches In?

Roaches are on the lookout for food, water, and shelter. Here’s what often attracts cockroaches into your home:

1. Food Sources

A cockroach on a piece of swirly cake, highlighting how exposed food sources, especially sweet treats, can attract roaches into the home.

Roaches have a strong sense of smell and can detect food from a distance. Even the smallest crumbs, open containers, and pet food can attract them. They're not picky and will eat almost anything, from crumbs on the floor to grease on the stove. They love sugary and starchy foods but aren't limited to that. If food is scarce, they’ll even munch on paper and cardboard.

To keep roaches away, it’s important to cover food and clean up spills right away. Wiping down counters, sweeping floors, and using airtight containers for food storage can minimize what attracts cockroaches.

2. Dirty Dishes

A cluttered kitchen counter with dirty dishes piled up, showing how leftover food particles and unwashed dishes can attract roaches into the home.

Leaving dirty dishes in the sink, even just overnight, is like an open invitation for roaches. They’ll feast on the food particles left behind. We suggest washing dishes right after use or at least rinsing them thoroughly if you'll wash them later. Running the dishwasher daily can also help. Even small traces of food can attract these pests, so keeping the kitchen clean is crucial.

3. Water and Leaky Pipes

A cockroach on a kitchen faucet spout, illustrating how water sources and leaky pipes in the kitchen can attract roaches into the home.

Roaches need water to survive, so they’re drawn to moist places. Standing water, leaking pipes, and even damp sponges can lure them in. You might spot them around sinks, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Fix leaks and dry up any standing water to make your home less appealing to roaches. Also, it's a good idea to empty pet water bowls overnight and ensure your kitchen sink is dry before bed.

4. Damp Areas

A cockroach lying on its back on a bathroom tile floor, demonstrating how damp areas like bathrooms can attract and harbor roaches.

Bathrooms, basements, and kitchens are roach hotspots because they usually have higher humidity levels. Roaches like dark, damp places to hide and breed, such as behind appliances, under sinks, and in wall cavities. Using a moisture absorber or fan can make these spots less inviting. Ventilating the area and fixing grout or tile damage can also help lower moisture levels. Make sure basements and crawl spaces stay dry to keep roaches away.

5. Hiding Spots

Cluttered home with items stacked on top of each other, showing potential hiding spots for roaches. Reducing clutter can help prevent roach infestations.

Roaches love to hide in small, dark spaces. Cluttered areas, stacks of paper, and cardboard boxes make perfect hiding spots. They can squeeze through tiny cracks and crevices, so reducing clutter and keeping things organized can help keep them out. Clean areas like closets, basements, and garages regularly. Instead of using cardboard boxes, opt for storage containers with tight-fitting lids.

How Roaches Get Into Your Home

Roaches are great at sneaking into homes. They can slip through small cracks in walls, gaps around windows and doors, or even hitch a ride on items like grocery bags and used furniture. Sometimes, they might come in through sewer lines or plumbing systems. Because they can get in through the smallest openings, it's essential to look for and seal any gaps regularly. Focus on places where utility lines enter your home, and make sure to seal around windows, doors, and foundations.

Preventing a Cockroach Infestation

Keeping a clean home is one of the best ways to keep roaches away. Here are some simple steps to help prevent an infestation:

  • Store Food Properly: Use airtight containers and clean up spills and crumbs right away. Make sure trash cans have tight lids.
  • Wash Dishes Right Away: Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. Wash dishes after meals or run the dishwasher daily.
  • Fix Leaks: Repair leaky pipes and faucets to remove water sources. Keep sinks, bathtubs, and shower stalls dry, and check for leaks under appliances like fridges and dishwashers.
  • Get Rid of Clutter: Organize your home and remove items that could provide hiding spots for roaches, like newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes.
  • Seal Up Cracks and Gaps: Check for and seal any cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and other places using caulk or weather stripping.
  • Regular Cleaning: Vacuum often, especially in areas where food is eaten. Clean under and behind appliances where crumbs can accumulate.

How Alta Pest Control Can Help

Alta Pest Control technician spraying the exterior base of a house to help eliminate and prevent roaches.

If you’re dealing with roaches, Alta Pest Control is here to help. Our team knows where roaches like to hide and how they're getting in. We'll create a treatment plan that’s just right for your home, using the most effective and family-friendly methods.

Our goal is to not only get rid of the roaches you have now but also to make sure they don't come back. We use high-quality products that are friendly to both your family and pets, while also being environmentally conscious, ensuring your home remains a safe and comfortable place.

Getting Professional Help

Handling roaches on your own can be tough. With the right strategy and our help, you can keep these pests out of your home. Check out our locations to see if we service your area. Contact us to schedule an inspection and learn how we can help you stay roach-free. We offer services that include regular check-ins and maintenance to keep your home pest-free.

FAQs About Roaches

Q: How do roaches usually get into my house?

A: Roaches can sneak in through small cracks in walls, gaps around windows and doors, or even hitch a ride on items like grocery bags or used furniture. They can also come in through sewer lines or plumbing systems.

Q: Are roaches only found in dirty homes?

A: Roaches can infest any home, but a messy home increases the risk because it provides more food and water sources for them. Keeping things clean can help reduce that risk.

Q: Can roaches show up even if I keep my house clean?

A: Yes, even a clean house can have roaches if there are entry points or sources of water and food they can access. They can slip through small cracks, so regular checks and maintenance are important.

Q: What steps can I take to prevent roaches?

A: Keeping your home clean, sealing entry points, fixing leaks, and reducing clutter are key steps in keeping roaches away. Regularly inspect your home and take action to make it less attractive to these pests.