Wichita's Changing Seasons: How Weather Affects Pest Activity

Why Do Insects Come Out In The Spring?

As we navigate the ever-changing seasons here in Wichita, we often notice how the weather impacts more than just our wardrobes. The seasonal shifts also play a significant role in the types of pests we encounter. At Alta Pest Control, we've observed these patterns closely, and we're here to share how different weather conditions influence pest activity and how we tailor our services to keep your home protected year-round.

What Time of the Year Are Pests the Most Active In Wichita?

What Time of the Year Are Pests the Most Active In Wichita?

While pests can be a year-round concern, certain times of the year see increased activity due to weather conditions and pest life cycles. In Wichita, the warmer months, particularly spring and summer, are when pests are most active. Spring awakens many insects from their winter dormancy, and summer's warmth accelerates their life cycles, leading to more visible activity. Fall brings another surge as pests seek warmth indoors, while winter tends to be quieter, although some pests like rodents and cockroaches continue to seek shelter.

Spring: The Awakening of Insects

What Month Is Best For Pest Control?

Spring in Wichita is a beautiful time, with flowers blooming and temperatures rising. However, it's also a season when many pests come out of hibernation. You might notice an increase in ants, spiders, and stinging insects like wasps. As the weather warms up, these pests start looking for food and places to nest, which often leads them into our homes.

Why Do Insects Come Out in Spring?

Insects come out in spring due to the warmer temperatures and increased availability of food sources. After the cold winter months, many insects emerge to find mates, food, and new habitats. The increased daylight and humidity also create ideal conditions for insects to thrive. This surge in activity can catch homeowners off guard, but understanding this natural cycle can help in managing and preventing infestations.

How to Prevent Pests in Spring

Preventing pests in spring involves proactive measures to keep them out of your home. Here are some tips:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Check and seal any cracks or gaps in your home's foundation, windows, and doors. This prevents insects and rodents from entering.
  2. Maintain Cleanliness: Keep your home clean and free of food crumbs and spills, which can attract pests. Properly store food in sealed containers.
  3. Eliminate Standing Water: Standing water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests. Ensure your gutters are clean and your yard is free of water accumulation.
  4. Regular Inspections: Schedule a professional pest inspection to identify potential problem areas and address them before they become major issues.

At Alta Pest Control, we ramp up our general pest control services in spring, focusing on creating a barrier around your home to keep these unwelcome guests outside where they belong. Our team is equipped with eco-friendly products that are safe for both your family and pets, ensuring that your springtime enjoyment isn't interrupted by pests.

Summer: Battling Mosquitoes and Stinging Insects

What Are The Worst Pests In The Summer?

Summer heat in Wichita brings out the mosquitoes and other stinging insects in full force. With increased outdoor activities, our yards can become prime real estate for these pests. Mosquitoes, in particular, can be more than just a nuisance; they can also pose health risks.

That's why our mosquito control services become a priority during the summer months. We offer mosquito fogging every month from April to October, as part of our outdoor and premium packages, helping to reduce the mosquito population around your home. Additionally, our treatments target nests and breeding grounds for stinging insects, keeping your outdoor spaces safe and enjoyable.

Fall: The Quest for Warmth

What Are The Most Common Pests In The Fall?

As the temperatures start to drop in the fall, many pests, including rodents, begin seeking warmth and shelter. This often leads them to try and enter our homes. You might notice more activity from spiders and other insects as they prepare for winter.

We include rodent control in our general pest control plan, setting up bait boxes when rodent activity is most prevalent in the winter. Our team conducts thorough inspections to identify potential entry points and uses safe, effective methods to keep your home rodent-free.

Winter: A Time of Hibernation

What Are The Most Common Pests In The Winter?

Winter in Wichita can bring a bit of relief from some pests, as many go into hibernation. However, this is also a critical time for pests like cockroaches and rodents, which often seek warmth indoors.

For German cockroach treatments, we recommend two high-impact sprays two weeks apart, followed by quarterly treatments to ensure they don't return. For termite protection, we use the Sentricon system, with bait being replaced whenever it's low, typically every three to six months.

How Often Should You Get Your House Sprayed for Bugs In Wichita?

How Often Should You Get Your House Sprayed for Bugs In Wichita?

The frequency of pest control treatments can depend on several factors, including the type of pests you're dealing with, the severity of the infestation, and the specific needs of your home. At Alta Pest Control, we typically recommend quarterly treatments for general pests. This schedule helps maintain a protective barrier around your property and keeps pest populations under control. Additionally, we offer free re-services as often as needed to guarantee results until the pests are gone and then maintain quarterly treatments to prevent them from coming back.

At Alta Pest Control, we understand that each season brings its own set of challenges when it comes to pest control. That's why we tailor our services to address the specific needs of Wichita homes throughout the year. Whether it's preventing springtime infestations, battling summer mosquitoes, or keeping rodents out in the fall and winter, we're here to help you enjoy a pest-free home, no matter the season.