10 Common Bathroom Bugs & How to Get Rid of Them

Bugs in bathroom

You should be able to relax in your bathroom—whether it’s to start your day or unwind before bed. But the moment you spot a bug creeping along the floor or buzzing around your face, it feels like an uninvited guest has crashed your peaceful retreat. If you’ve had that experience, you know it’s enough to make you rethink your morning routine. So why does it happen? And what can you do about it? Well, we’ve got your back. Here's the deal on why bugs love bathrooms, the ones you're most likely to run into, and some tips to send them packing.

Why Bugs Are Drawn to Your Bathroom

Bugs in Bathtub in bathroom

If bugs had a vacation spot, your bathroom would be it. With all the moisture, warmth, and hiding spots, it’s like a five-star resort for these little invaders.

1. Moisture

Bugs practically worship moisture, and guess what? Bathrooms are one of the dampest spots in your house. Think about it—steamy showers, wet towels, and drippy faucets all contribute to a bug’s dream environment.

2. Food Sources

You may not think of your bathroom as a food hub, but to certain pests, things like soap scum and mold are like a gourmet meal. They don't need crumbs or spills like the ones in your kitchen—they're not that picky.

3. Cozy Hiding Spots

Bugs are masters of hide-and-seek, and bathrooms have plenty of places for them to hide. Whether it’s around the baseboards, under the sink, or behind the toilet, your bathroom offers the perfect nooks and crannies for them to sneak into.

Common Bathroom Bugs and How to Deal with Them

1. Drain Flies

Close up of a drain fly, which are commons bugs in bathrooms

What They Look Like: Tiny, fuzzy, moth-like bugs that hover around your sink or shower drain. They’re usually gray or brown and are drawn to moist areas.

What to Do: Time to clean out those drains! Try flushing them with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, followed by boiling water. At night, a little bleach down the drain should handle any eggs or larvae.

Tip: Keep your drains clean and dry—that’s their worst nightmare!

2. Fruit Flies

Close up of fruit flies, which can be common bathroom bugs

What They Look Like: Tiny tan or brown flies with bright red eyes. They’re usually found in kitchens, but if there’s something tasty in your bathroom (like damp towels or trash), they’ll be there too.

What to Do: Make a trap using apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish soap. The vinegar attracts them, and the soap traps them. Be sure to remove any potential food sources.

Did You Know? Fruit flies can lay up to 500 eggs at a time. That’s one big family reunion you definitely don’t want in your bathroom!

3. Gnats

Close up of gnat, which is a common bathroom bug

What They Look Like: Tiny, dark-colored bugs that buzz around in slow motion.

What to Do: Gnats love moisture, so keep things dry. Wipe down surfaces with vinegar and avoid overwatering any plants you might have in there.

Heads-Up: Gnats aren’t picky—they’ll hang around any kind of standing water. So, dry it up!

4. Cockroaches

Close up of a German Cockroach, which can be found hiding in bathrooms

What They Look Like: Large, dark brown bugs that scatter the moment you turn on the light.

How We Handle It: Roaches are tough little guys. Our treatments target them inside and out, so they don’t have a chance to set up camp in your bathroom.

Tip: If you see one, don’t wait—there’s probably a whole gang hiding somewhere. Let us help nip it in the bud!

5. Silverfish

Close up of a silverfish, also considered a bathroom bug

What They Look Like: Silvery, wriggling bugs with fish-like movements.

How We Handle It: Our sprays target silverfish and keep them from coming back. We can also help you figure out where they’re finding moisture and suggest ways to keep the area dry.

Silverfish can live without food for almost a year, so keeping them out means more than just wiping down surfaces.

6. Centipedes

Close up of a centipede, which could be the bug in your bathroom

What They Look Like: Long bugs with tons of legs that dart around at lightning speed.

How We Handle It: Centipedes are usually there because they’re hunting other bugs. Get rid of their food source, and they’ll move out.

7. Spiders

Close up of spiders, which can eat other bugs in bathroom

What They Look Like: Eight-legged bugs that hang out in corners and ceilings, usually hunting for other pests.

How We Handle It: Treating for other bugs reduces their food sources, so they won’t have a reason to stick around. Plus, we can use targeted sprays to help eliminate them.

8. Termites

Close up of termites, which can be a bathroom bug that can cause significant damage

What They Look Like: Small, winged insects that love to chew through wood.

How We Handle It: We use the Sentricon system to get rid of termites and protect your home. If you notice any damage to wooden fixtures in your bathroom, call us ASAP!

9. Springtails

Close up of a springtail, which can be a bug in your bathroom

What They Look Like: Tiny, jumping bugs that can look like fleas. They’re usually found around sinks and showers.

How We Handle It: We target where springtails breed and survive. Keeping your bathroom dry and fixing leaks is key to long-term results.

10. Slugs

Close up of a slug - slugs are attracted to moisture in the bathroom

What They Look Like: Slimy and slow-moving, slugs can leave a sticky trail behind.

How We Handle It: Slugs are a sign that there’s too much moisture in your bathroom. Reducing humidity and keeping things dry helps keep them out.

Easy Preventative Measures to Keep Bugs Out of Your Bathroom

1. Schedule Quarterly Pest Control

The best way to keep pests out of your bathroom (and the rest of your home) is through regular, preventative treatments. Scheduling quarterly pest control services ensures that your home stays protected year-round. We’ll treat inside and outside your home with products that are friendly for your kids and pets but highly effective against pests. Regular treatments create a protective barrier and significantly reduce the chances of an infestation.

2. Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Dry

Bugs thrive in damp and messy spaces. Wipe down surfaces regularly, clean drains, and use a dehumidifier if necessary. The less moisture you have, the less attractive your bathroom will be to bugs.

3. Fix Leaky Pipes

Even a slow drip can invite pests. Check and repair any leaky faucets or pipes to prevent the buildup of moisture.

4. Use Natural Repellents

Essential oils like peppermint and tea tree mixed with water can be a natural deterrent. Bugs hate the smell, and it’s a simple, natural way to keep them out.

5. Improve Airflow

Good ventilation can do wonders in reducing moisture. Run your exhaust fan or crack a window after steamy showers to keep your bathroom dry and less appealing to insects.

When to Call a Professional

A professional technician ready to get rid of bathroom bugs

If you spot any of these pests (except for flies), it’s best to contact us right away. Bugs like cockroaches, silverfish, or termites can quickly multiply and cause bigger problems down the line. By acting fast, you can prevent a minor issue from turning into a full-blown infestation. Give us a call, and we’ll help you take back your bathroom and keep it bug-free for good!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common bugs found in bathrooms?

A: Drain flies, cockroaches, silverfish, centipedes, and spiders are the usual suspects.

Why do bugs keep coming back to my bathroom?

A: Moisture, food sources, and hiding places make bathrooms attractive. Addressing these factors is key to keeping them out for good.

Can I get rid of bathroom bugs myself?

A: For minor issues like flies or gnats, DIY solutions can help. For more persistent pests like cockroaches or termites, professional help is recommended.